Hi, Blog.
Last night was awful.
I'm never going out with my parents again....
That's a lie, but I don't want to for a while.
We went with our neighbors to some pork chop dinner thing that my mom's friend's family was holding for their son who is in critical condition in a coma right now. It was amazing how many people came! The line was all across the bar and out the door!
We had to wait a really long time for our food, but that's okay, because it was really good and I was having a good time. But about a half an hour after we ate, I got a stomach ache. I get them a lot, I think it might be fried foods but I'm not sure... Anyways, I was starting to feel pretty shitty. That was about 7:30.
My parents and my neighbors kept buying beers. After a while, I lost count of how many rounds they'd had. My mom could tell I wasn't having a good time so to cheer me up, she bought me a strawberry daiquiri (virgin, of course). It really was a nice thought, and it did cheer me up a bit, but it also made my stomach hurt worse.
Then out of nowhere, I saw a couple of people smoking cigarettes! Inside! Illegal! My mom and neighbors saw this and lit up as well! Crazy! I think the smoke was starting to make me sick as well... Gee, don't I sound pathetic??
The band didn't start playing until about quarter to nine. They were REALLY good, but they were playing mostly old country songs that I'd never heard before. Once 9 o'clock rolled around, the band announced that anyone under the age of 21 was supposed to leave. Oops!
I was so relieved when my dad said that we would be leaving after everyone finished their current beer. LIES. My neighbor went to the bar and got a whole mess of jello shots. My dad offered me one, but I declined because I thought that I would be the one driving home, seeing how everybody else was drunk. We were about to leave when the band started to play "Knockin' on Heaven's Door". Now they play a song I know... "DYLAN!" I screamed out. Fortunately, my mom let us stay long enough for me to get my Bob Dylan fix for the night. That was nice.
We went to go out the front door, but they had it blocked off (keeping the Popo out??). So everyone but my dad made their way to the side door. I had to run after him screaming his name to get his attention.
When we made it to the parking lot, I walked to the driver's side door and said, "Well?" My dad told me to get in the back and that he was okay to drive, which, he totally wasn't. My neighbors walked over to the convenience store next door and bought more beer. My dad took one before we left to drink on the way home.
My dad pulled out of the parking lot and swerved on purpose. My mom and I yelled at him. I was so scared. I hate my dad when he's drunk, he's a total asshole. So we were driving down the back roads and I just sat in the back seat crying, wishing I could just disappear.
When we turned on to our road, my dad stopped at the giant ass hill and asked where my neighbors were. He thought they might have wrecked on the side of the road. I looked behind us and saw headlights. I told my dad who started to go up the hill, then stopped right in the middle. I didn't know what the hell was going on. Then Dad did a huge burnout with my neighbors right behind him. It was awful, I thought he was going to drive right off the road.
"Don't drink and drive," my dad kept saying, then he would laugh as if hypocrisy was a funny thing.
When we (finally) got home, my parents went next door and I tried to relax. I changed out of my swanky sweater, uncomfortable sneaks and jeans into my brother's sweats. Then I made some hot chocolate, and watched 'Adam' with my puppy dogs. Which was really, really good. Hugh Dancy was fantastic.
I think I'm gonna go watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button now. Good bye :)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was good.