I celebrated it yesterday by going to see the mediocre "Valentine's Day" with my best friend (who was practically dead next to me because she's so sick) and two girls who I'm not close friends with. It was an alright movie. But I can't stand Ashton Kutcher, Jessica Alba, that girl from the Princess Diaries who's name I don't care about, or George Lopez. Lopez was actually alright. Taylor Swift? Really? You're going to give her an acting career now? Anyways, Julia Roberts is cool, so I liked the movie.
Before we bought our tickets my girl Marko and I got free Percy Jackson posters. I wish we saw that instead so I would actually know what the movie's about. And then after (we saw the latest possible show, of course), we had to be kicked out of the movie theater because we were the last ones out and the guy couldn't wait any longer to close up. wtfffffff
My dad complains a lot. I hope I don't complain as much as him. He said a few minutes ago, "I'm all for global warming. Let's warm this place up." and now he just said, "I'd like to get a bumper sticker saying, 'global warming, my ass.'"
Do you see what I have to live with?
I have a "date" later with Marko. We are being each others' dates because we couldn't get a real one to save our lives. (Well, she probably could, but I can't.)
Drunk drivers are scary. Peace out.

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