Greg Gregson.
Tomorrow I am eating BELGIAN WAFFLES<3
but right now I am eating SOUR APPLE W/ PEANUT BUTTER.
I just got peanut butter on the keyboard
^^^that's me wiping pb off the keyboard. I apologize.
Today we had Kakey in Yearbewk class.
Guess who can't f'n get the wedding singer out of their head?
Geral Ford, that's who.
"Oh god!"
facebook chat is weird, can I get an "i"?
...I'll stay single 'till I'm lying slowly in my lonely, forgotten grave.♫
I'm wearing a dress tomorrow and it's going to be awwwwwwwwkwwwwwwwooooooooowd.
I'm sorry this post is so annoying. I'm just so FRICKEN bored.
And I'm going insane in the membrane. I want to listen to The Beastie Boys
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Oh, when it's your wedding day
And my music starts to play
I can guarantee that
Our high school's production of The Wedding Singer is quite impressive. I wish I would have done it. Hopefully next year's spring musical will be something fun, because maybe I would audition for it.
My allergies are acting up because Ohio's bipolar weather. My father told me to blow my nose when that's what I've been doing already. He's being really creepy right now, talking about guys spooning across the street to stay warm or something like that. Ugh.
Everything above is from yesterday. Today is Sunday. I saw The Wedding Singer again. This time with my broseph and my friend Ken...zie.We sat right in the middle in the first row and I saw like 5 peoples' underpants. What else is new.
The musical was so good! I wish they performed it every night forever.
I was going to go to an after musical party with Molly/Holly but then she had to go to a church event, but that's okay because everyone is having a good time remembering the good times they had and I don't want to intrude on their memories anyways.
In case you didn't notice, this whole post will most likely be about The Wedding Singer. Because it's the most recent exciting thing that's happened to me lately.
Last night I stayed at Kenzie's house and the lead of the musical and his right wing man (still in his Flock of Seagulls hairdo from the show) came to her house around midnight and we all talked in her basement because we didn't have time to watch Rocky Horror. Kenzie gave her man a heart we made out of perler beads (aww) and I gave "Douche" as I like to call him a bumble bee made out of perler beads. I don't call him Douche because I dislike him. He's just a douche, that's all.
It feels weird stating facts about my personal life right now so I'm going to stop all together.
And my music starts to play
I can guarantee that
Our high school's production of The Wedding Singer is quite impressive. I wish I would have done it. Hopefully next year's spring musical will be something fun, because maybe I would audition for it.
My allergies are acting up because Ohio's bipolar weather. My father told me to blow my nose when that's what I've been doing already. He's being really creepy right now, talking about guys spooning across the street to stay warm or something like that. Ugh.
Everything above is from yesterday. Today is Sunday. I saw The Wedding Singer again. This time with my broseph and my friend Ken...zie.We sat right in the middle in the first row and I saw like 5 peoples' underpants. What else is new.
The musical was so good! I wish they performed it every night forever.
I was going to go to an after musical party with Molly/Holly but then she had to go to a church event, but that's okay because everyone is having a good time remembering the good times they had and I don't want to intrude on their memories anyways.
In case you didn't notice, this whole post will most likely be about The Wedding Singer. Because it's the most recent exciting thing that's happened to me lately.
Last night I stayed at Kenzie's house and the lead of the musical and his right wing man (still in his Flock of Seagulls hairdo from the show) came to her house around midnight and we all talked in her basement because we didn't have time to watch Rocky Horror. Kenzie gave her man a heart we made out of perler beads (aww) and I gave "Douche" as I like to call him a bumble bee made out of perler beads. I don't call him Douche because I dislike him. He's just a douche, that's all.
It feels weird stating facts about my personal life right now so I'm going to stop all together.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
We went.
The girls lost.
I'm still happy.
Everyone should be, even though the refs were totally biased. I'm not just saying that because we lost, either. I would have been fine losing if the team beat us fairly, but the refs were not calling things fairly. Everything was a foul on our side and barely anything was a foul for the other team. It was so stupid, it pissed me off.
But then we went to Champs and I got Asian chicken on a stick and everything was way better.
My hand smells like feces.
The girls lost.
I'm still happy.
Everyone should be, even though the refs were totally biased. I'm not just saying that because we lost, either. I would have been fine losing if the team beat us fairly, but the refs were not calling things fairly. Everything was a foul on our side and barely anything was a foul for the other team. It was so stupid, it pissed me off.
But then we went to Champs and I got Asian chicken on a stick and everything was way better.
My hand smells like feces.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Apathetical Donkeys,
They just seem to get with the program.
I have a question for you:
How much would pirate's treasure REALLY be worth?
For all you know there might just be a bunch of moldy kidneys inside that chest.
I'm curious about this because I'm playing The Bottom Of The Sea and it is very fun and I keep playing it over and over again.
We didn't have school yesterday even though it's OGT week. I'm fine with that.
Kenzie and I rode the 'Spirit Bus' all the way to Columbus to watch our school's girls basketball team play in the State Semi-Finals or something along those lines. Point is, we went to state. They went to state. I was going to ride the 'Spirit Bus' tomorrow to the final game, but there weren't enough kids riding it. Bummer. Dollah Bills offered me a ride with her family and as long as she's still okay with it, I'm still going to the game. I'm kind of excited to be riding with the Millah family, because they are of happy peoples.
I don't know what I meant by that.
I just beat The Bottom Of The Sea again. w00t.
Now I'm playing Bubble Bees. :I
My dad is having a dilemma because he just figured out what he wants for dinner (very long decision times) and the place isn't open. Now he's all huffy-puffy-big-bad-wolfy.
Andy Samberg is funny yet slightly repulsive. Just like pickle loaf.
I'm off to work on my Biologie project on Klinefelter's Syndrome. Audios!
Friday, March 12, 2010
If You Knew My Story Word For Word...

...had all of my history,
Would you go along with someone like me?
"Young Folks" - Peter, Bjorn, and John♥
Hey, Blogworld.
How are you these daze? I feel so estranged from blogging.
These last few weeks have been ruffffff for everyone, methinks.
I like the song "Are You Going to Scarborough Fair?" by Simon and Garfunkel. It's nice and creepy.
I also like my Pikachu firefox theme thingy. I'm so glad I took the two and a half minutes to upgrade firefox. WORTH IT.
Mystery Missions is fun when you are bored and have a cell phone. I made a guitarist friend whom I suggest songs to. That basically sums up my life.
The other day in Honors ENGLISHe we were segregated by our eye color and the people with pretty eyes got pampered with fruits and donuts while us dominant traitors were served crackers and had to have no fun. Even though we weren't having fun, I was having fun. And the crackers were damn tasty, too. I had some more today even though we weren't segregated anymores.

OGTs are next week, next week is also the first week of spring forward. Leave it to my school to schedule a test that determines whether I pass school or not during the week that everybody in the world (I think) is most tired. My school is the least professional high school you will ever come across. Anyways, I'm thinking about reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower for, like, the 5th or so time because I imagine I'm going to have a lot of free time next week after testing.
Alice in Wonderland came out last weekend. I made plans to see it 4 TIMES IN THE LAST WEEK and none of them worked out!!! Oh well, I feel like the movie is focusing on The Mad Hatter waaaaay too much from the advertising that I've seen. If they wanted Johnny Depp (don't get me wrong, I LOVE Johnny) to be the main character, then they should have dressed him in drag and named his character "Alice".
I'm listening to the same songs that are on Charlie's "One Winter" mix tape. The Smashing Pumpkins are cool but Billy Corgan's kind of a doucher in my eyes now that he dated Jessica Simpson. Yes, I'm judging both of them.
You know what, blog? Siblings are assholes. (You can basically stop reading now, I'm just ranting.)
I haven't seen my sister in four years and it pisses me off. It pisses me off a lot. I haven't talked to her in two. I haven't seen my brother in two years. I talked to him for 60 seconds on the first because of his b-day, but other than that I never talk to him. Neither of them will befriend me on facebook. What the hell is wrong with them? I'd like so much to just chew them out. I want to know what's running through my sister's head. There's a difference between being an independant adult and just flat out ignoring your family because your father wouldn't allow you to date a black man in high school. My sister has been out of high school for almost a decade, yet she seems to have never let go of the drama from her teenage years. And my brother and I have so much in common so I don't know why he doesn't want to talk to me. He's going to school for fashion design and I think it's the coolest thing in the world but I can't talk to him about how awesome it is because he's too busy being a wild child to even stay awake to talk to me on the phone.
It pisses me off that they won't talk to me, but it pisses me off even more that they won't talk to my dad. Who knows what could happen to him? It's pure bullshit.
Even I can't wait to get the hell out of here, but I plan on keeping in touch once I'm gone, no matter how far away I live. In fact, I'm excited to live far away because that means I'll be able to wright to my parents using old fashioned letters and snail mail. Cool!
Anyways, I'm pretty pissed off right now (and jacked up on three glasses of caffeine tea), so I think I might go read some of The Perks and then hit the sack.
Go listen to "Dusk" by Genesis. It will change everything.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sup, Boiii
Do you like web comics?
I like web comics.
I'm a nerd.
Octopus Pie
Do you ever think about a lost loved one, and no matter how long ago it was they passed away, you still just can't believe they're gone?
I was feeling that way earlier.
It's a weird feeling. Like, that person's not really passed away, they're just out in the world somewhere and you haven't talked in a long time.
I like web comics.
I'm a nerd.
Octopus Pie
Do you ever think about a lost loved one, and no matter how long ago it was they passed away, you still just can't believe they're gone?
I was feeling that way earlier.
It's a weird feeling. Like, that person's not really passed away, they're just out in the world somewhere and you haven't talked in a long time.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Everyone's Friends.
I'm drinking pee colored Gatorade.
I dislike Mondays.
Today, however, is my brother's 21st birthday.
My dad forgot until I told him after we ate Arby's for dinner.
My brother, who I'm assuming is still living in New York and going to school for fashion design, said to my dad that coffee and cigarettes are the only things keeping him alive right now.
I suppose you can look at that as being depressing or happy.
I look at it as one more reason to turn my family into a comic strip so I can make $ from these jerks.
That was quite the shallow statement, and I don't mind one bit.
Hot Rod was on the tele the other day. I'm sure many bloggers watched it because Hot Rod is a movie that most bloggers should enjoy.
I'm gonna be honest with you, Rod. You look like a giant eagle with fire all around you, and you've got a mountain for a face.
Last ngith.....??? Wtf?! I was typing the word "night" and that mess came from the keyboard. I am genuinely sorry about that.
Last NIGHT, I was pigging out on chocolate cookies and cream or something ice cream and watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now, I don't know nor do I care about you, but, I LOVE that movie.
It was weird because my dad came in and watched part of it with me. Obviously he was feeling kinda nostalgic or sentimental or something, because he's a super homophobe and doesn't even like TRHPS. Of course, he left towards the end of the Time Warp, before Frank-n-Furter even came out in his transvestital glory. I wish "transvestital" was a real word. Maybe it is and spell check just doesn't know schit. Ha, take that, spell check.
Cracking knuckles is fun, when they're your own of course.
That doesn't make sense. Welcome to the REAL WURLD.
I'm pretty gosh damn tired.
Night, ya'll.
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