They just seem to get with the program.
I have a question for you:
How much would pirate's treasure REALLY be worth?
For all you know there might just be a bunch of moldy kidneys inside that chest.
I'm curious about this because I'm playing The Bottom Of The Sea and it is very fun and I keep playing it over and over again.
We didn't have school yesterday even though it's OGT week. I'm fine with that.
Kenzie and I rode the 'Spirit Bus' all the way to Columbus to watch our school's girls basketball team play in the State Semi-Finals or something along those lines. Point is, we went to state. They went to state. I was going to ride the 'Spirit Bus' tomorrow to the final game, but there weren't enough kids riding it. Bummer. Dollah Bills offered me a ride with her family and as long as she's still okay with it, I'm still going to the game. I'm kind of excited to be riding with the Millah family, because they are of happy peoples.
I don't know what I meant by that.
I just beat The Bottom Of The Sea again. w00t.
Now I'm playing Bubble Bees. :I
My dad is having a dilemma because he just figured out what he wants for dinner (very long decision times) and the place isn't open. Now he's all huffy-puffy-big-bad-wolfy.
Andy Samberg is funny yet slightly repulsive. Just like pickle loaf.
I'm off to work on my Biologie project on Klinefelter's Syndrome. Audios!
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