(o) watch u

(o) watch u

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dear Dave Grohl, i missed my favorite part of 'but, honestly' because i was thinking about how pretty your hair is and wondering what products you use. - rachel
Dear Dave Grohl, will you please marry me? Love, Rachel Sheets

Friday, May 28, 2010

Post, part deux

I'm sad, blog.
Gary Coleman is dead. As a child, my brother and I used to watch Diff'rent strokes together before we drifted to sleep on our wooden bunk bed. "Whatchu talkin' about, Willis?" was one of our favorite catch phrases and Gary Coleman was always our favorite.
I'm sad to see that precious gem leave us.

My stomach hurts a lot. My dog Peter just found a dead mouse and for the first time in about ten years, I was reminded how much my mom hates mice, even when they are just corpses. I tried to clean it up but she was so pissed at my dad about something that she's making him do it.
My stomach hurts so much it's unbearable. I have to go. Bye.

It's the last day of school!!

I'm in computer applications right now because we are locked in here until 11:03.
We are reading an article about silly bands being banned in schools across America. American schools are dumb, why do you think everyone else is smarter than us? Because their kids are allowed to have rubber bands shaped like animals and guitars and cars and other things.
My foot itches. Jon is going through my planner.
Blogging is so much fun.
Pac man is so much fun.
I am so bored.
BLah blah blah blah.

I want to play bread runner.
Good bye.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm so Tired.

Hi blog. I feel weird today. I don't like it. :( I don't know what's wrong with me.
I think it started this morning when Andrew Dost didn't reply to me on that space of mine. I know it's because the message I sent him was creepy and pointless. Why am I a creepy person? I should have just said, "Thank you, Andrew!" and been done with it. My life is a joke.

In other news, I just got on myspace and there was a video of Adrien Brody on Jimmy Kimmel. Even though it's tragic that I missed it on television, I'm glad I got to see Adrien and Jimmy playing in "Charlie Bit my Finger."
What a wonderful person, that Adrien.

In other, other news, we only have two days of school left, which means I have two days to work on my three yearbook layouts that I am severely lacking in. I'm not severely lacking, I just wanted to use the word severe. Two of my layouts are almost done, and my last one needs some pictures taken. Life.
We took our history final today. I am sad because history was my favorite class because David said stuff like, "I don't give a crap, Jack." and "Snowstradamus." I know I spelled that wrong. David is a funny guy who shares my favorite color. Over the summer, I am going to make him a Led Zeppelin tie. He told me if I bought stuff to make it, he would pay me but I don't want him to pay me. I just want to make the tie because he said I couldn't. He was probably using reverse psychology on me, that jerk.

My eyes feel like they're going to explode. I think I might go take a nap.
This blog is boring, I apologize. I wish I was funny.  My eye hurts. Bye.

Monday, May 17, 2010


War is everywhere.
We need John Lennon now more than ever.
Get off your ass and do something about it.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Scoliosis is a bitch. I don't have scoliosis, but I like to use that as an excuse for my horrid posture.
Jessica and Kenzie and I were slightly ashamed of how the highlight of our week was going to Steak n Shake and seeing this guy that everybody seems to know. I don't want to say his name on a blog because I feel like that is creepy. If you are reading this (doubtful) then you know who you are. Or maybe you don't. I hope you never find  my blog because it will be awkward for both of us.
Anyways. We sat in SnS for several HOURS. And I'm sleepy. And I should be trying to find The Soup somewhere on the tele but I'm not.
My parents are getting drunk in our back garage. Embarrassing on my part for my friends almost seeing that.
I want to play animal crossing but there will be nothing to do because the store's closed but Tom Nook is a lil bitch anyways, just like Keven. I hate you, Kevin.
I hope you realize that I don't truly hate Kevin, I just dislike him intensely because he wears all neutral colors and can drive and rubs it in my face. Fuck Kevin.
I'm so tired. I think I might go lay down and never wake back up.
That was depressing. My apologies.
I'm not used to going to two fast food places in one day, PLUS listening to "Pitbull" THREE TIMEss.

G'night, mates.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh, hello. I did not see you there. I'm casually sitting in my robe with a glass of champagne.

Driving is fun.
I love corny jokes
And even more than that, corny songs, which are basically corny jokes dressed with a melody.
My teeth need a brushin'.
And my hairs are greasier than ponyboy.

My stomach is telling me that diarrhea is approaching.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh Dear Blog!

It's been too long. TOO. LONG.

I've really missed you, blog. I think about you some days, and I say to myself, "God damnit, Rachel. You need to blog about something!"
And then I get home and I fry my brain with useless information and I die a little inside.

But seriously, two weeks of school left and then I'm bloggin' it up again!! =)

I had in-car today. I'm SUPER bad at manueverabillity. Like, OMG. It's embarrassing. I had to drive this kid home and I was just HORRIBLE. And my instructor was telling me how good he is and. Oh. It was so embarrassing. And when I'm driving I get really hot after about an hour and a half and after that my face is red for like 3 hours. I don't know what the deal is.

Anyways, I hope everybody had a good mother's day. I love my mom. I made her brunch, a coupon book (tacky? judge me.) and a weird tree branch flower thing. And I made homemade truffles. But I've been stealing some since they're so stricken good.

I should be doing homework because I'm still behind from when I missed SIX DAYS OF SCHOOL BEING SICK. I know, it was horrible! I woke up one morning choking, and I couldn't breathe, which I think is reason enough to not go to school. My mini vacation was nice, but it was lonely. Nobody texted me. I'm sad that I've become dependent on virtual messages that sometimes say "lol" :(

BYE! <3