(o) watch u

(o) watch u

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hi, Blog.

I'm sick.
I haven't seen a classroom since Tuesday.
I have to take a lot of medication, and they gave me a shot. It HERT.
When I have a coughing fit, my face leaks salt water through my eyeballs. It's weird and uncomfortable.
My shot site itches.

I'm dizzy. Bye.

Monday, April 19, 2010

For Those About to Draw, We Salute You.

The dorky school administration is trying to fire our art teacher.
Tonight there was a board meeting.
I made a petition, Kaylyn read a letter written by a favorite student who graduated in 08, Emily's mom gave an improv speech that made me cry, amy read TJ's letter, then gave a speech of her own.
I coughed until I cried.
Mom and I left.
I had chicken and stuffing for dinner.
Adventure Time is almost on tele.


Sunday, April 11, 2010


Sup, sup, my disco ducks?

I should be in bed but I can't sleep so WHATEVS.
We had a surprise party for Dollah Billz yesterday and her mammie took us to Stake n Shayke at like 1:30 in the morn' and it was pretty neato.

My throught is still scratchy. I hope I don't have asthma or anything because I have been really short of breath and light headed lately and I feel like those are asthma symptoms but I'm not sure because I don't really know what the symptoms are. I bought an awesome Jesus bracelet at the flea market the other day for 25¢! It says "I ♥ Jesus" and has six pop art pictures of him that actually look like Russel Brand who actually looks like Dollah Bills' cousin. I don't really love Jesus, but I think he's a pretty cool dude. I hope Christians everywhere don't think I'm a poser. I just thought it was a really cool bracelet and the price was even cooler.
I'm super bad ass and super tired. Goodnight. :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What Time is it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

hammer time.
ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Hummus is so good. I hope my dad buys it more often.
Spring break is mucho funo. I enjoy rotting my teeth out with other people's Easter candy.

HALEY AND I are having a Garage Sale on Saturday. It's going to be a failure but we'll have sno cones so AWESOME.

"I'm freakin' pumped! I've been drinking green tea all goddamn day!!"
- Rico
I love Hot Rod. I know I have discussed this before to you, Blog, but I just can't help it. Everybody is just so charming.
I also love Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations. I want very badly to be his friend because he's got so many clever things to say. And he knows good food. What more can you ask from a friend? Not much more, that's what.

I really enjoy films. I really do. and I think this is important to know about me for some reason. I also think it's important that you know that I am wearing pachy shorts that make me look like a hobo golfer. I am also wearing a Paramount's Kings Island shirt with those cool old Hannah Barbera characters that used to be on Cartoon Network. 
It's Wednesday. The pinnacle of the week. Except it's not the best day of the week in terms of greatness. It's the best day of the week because every day after Wednesday just keeps getting better. Then you get to Sunday and it's all shitty again. Oh well.
Apparently, my parents went on a drinking binge while I was @ Haley's last night. Welcome to Middletown. 

I don't know what I'm saying. Goodbye.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It Smells Like Art in Here...

...and I love it. ♥
Today's field trip to the Dayton Art Institute was super bad ass, just like the name Voltron.

When we first walked in, there was this picture of a black guy with an afro and a black wife beater and the background was blue and red/orange and it was AWESOME. Then there was a sculpture with TVs and that also was awesome. Those were my two favorite pieces in the whole museum. Which was deceiving because I didn't see as many contemporary pieces after that.

Well, I decided to do the new Amazon thing even though I won't get money from it because I have a wicked Amazon wish list that I was thinking about sharing anyway... I have A LOT of useless things that I want. But I waste my money on things like mood rings and marbles... and other things that begin with the letter m...