On the Mr. Brightside, it's Friday. That should be an exclamation point, but I just can't bring myself to type one. I did and it just doesn't look right.
I had some really clever (to me, anyway) shit to say, but I forgot about it because I was tracking my calories on livestrong.com.
Please excuse me for a moment, I have a text message.
My friend Molly sent me a really gross picture of myself from last year. I think I will post it on the blog.

I was showing off the small sailor living on my pinky. How cute.
I started this blog at 3:30, saved it and got off the interwebz. Now it's 8:08 and I'm eating barbecued meat on a bun. Livestrong.com isn't going to like this unhealthy meal, but whatevs.
I love Mark Hoppus. And I think you should know that because if you ever read in the news about him being kidnapped and the trails lead to Ohio, then you will know that it was me.
But seriously, the guy is just awesome: good looks, talented, funny, witty, and a good taste in music! I hope when we have our speed dating party that there is a Mark Hoppus carbon copy. That would be toats cool.
Big news! I am starting a drawing class on February 16th!!! My brother's grandma (long story) is paying my tuition fee so I can become a better artist. I'm really nervous, though. I like drawing people fantasy type things, and the brochure said that we will be drawing objects that we see in front of us! Oh no! My brother's grandma told me to put together a portfolio so the teacher would know what level I am on, but all I really have is drawings of musicians! I found like 5 drawings of Buddy Holly that I wanted to take in, but I decided that would be overdoing it. :( I love Buddy Holly. He rooooolszzzzz....
Tomorrow I might be going paintballing with my friend Kenzie. I'm really nervous about that, too. Actually, I'm just a very nervous individual. People think I'm really laid back, and I am most of the time, but I'm also a really nervous person... I guess you call that "anxiety"??? Anyways, I might be going paintballing with her and her boyfriend and his friends and I don't know anybody but Kenzie but I want to punch her boy toy in the face for being a thugstah. If I don't get to go paintballing, we will still hang out because I am going over to her house to spend the night and watch Freaks and Geeks and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I am also spending the night there because I am trying to skip out on going to church on Sunday. I know that's bad, but I hate church! I'm not even a Christian! ...We go to a Lutheran church... But I think Lutherans are Christians, right? Kinda like Baptists??? I don't know anything about these Western religions!! I'm more interested in Hinduism and Buddhism!!!! :( :( :(
Deep breaths, Rachel... On Sunday, Kenzie, Courtney, Haley, Dollah Bills, and I are going thrifting because Courtney has never been to a thrift store! I am going to buy a swanky dress to wear to Burger King or something and then I might try to find some 50s clothes to wear on February 3rd because that's 51st anniversary of The Day The Music Died.
I'm tired now. Goodbye