(o) watch u

(o) watch u

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why I Love Gay Men

Though I myself am not gay, I am a firm believer in LGBT rights.
It is a modern issue in America that I feel most passionately about.
America is supposedly the land of Freedom, Happiness, and Liberty.
What better place for lesbians and gays, right?


I read this short story by Timothy David Orme last night while browsing the internet and was very intrigued by what he had to say. Orme talks about the social roles that gender plays in society today and wonders if it is correct. As he sits in a strip club to prove his masculinity, he asks why it's more socially acceptable for two attractive women to feign sexual acts than for him to cross his legs when he sits.
Orme struggles with the idea of sexuality, where the line is drawn between homosexual and heterosexual, and why he feels he has to show the rest of the world he is masculine to prove he is a man.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I hate today.

It was three years ago today that a family friend who unknowingly affected a large part of my childhood wrecked his motorcycle on Roosevelt Blvd. Haley took me to see him for the first time at the mausoleum yesterday, which I really, really appreciate her doing that for me since I can't drive myself anywhere anymore.
Rest in peace, Bobby. I love you.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


"It's hotter than a hooker in hell... Oh, wait... I am a hooker ;)" - Lady Gaga

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ello, der Blawg.

I don't have my driver's license anymoresss because Warren county is a joke.
In other news, I hate it when things I like come into style. This. Always happens. Always. WHhhy??!?!?!
In other, other news: I have become addicted to the Sims 3 but do not own it. Oh, the tragedy.
My phone has Zelda on it, though.
Which I think is pretty bitchin'.
Just like Anthony Bourdain.
And not being lonely.
I'm so lonely right now.


Monday, July 5, 2010

It's Indy-pen-dance Day!

Happy birthday, America. Don't let that money burn a hole in your pocket, you little dickens.

I'm tired and feeling conflicted so I'm going to let you realize that I'm 11 minutes late for this birthday wish on your own... oops. (;