(o) watch u

(o) watch u

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood."

Gotta love Donnie Darko.
Just like I love Mike and Ikes.
and books.

Today is sonday. And I don't want to go to skewl tomorrowww.death.com
I hate high school.
Teenagers suck.

On another note, I haven't showered in a few days... I should probably get on that.
Being dingy is the life for meeeee.
Three lines at a time.

I got soul but I'm not a soldier says Brandon Flowers.
He also has eyebrows.
Unlike newborn babies. Which is kind of creepy if you ask me.

Honestly I'm just really bored.
I want to think of ways to get people to go to my music blog
but idunnohow.

N-E wayz,
Matt Clark texted me yesterday from Texass.
He said all the letters I wrote to him were creepy and I told him I'd strangle him on December 3rd. ♥.

And that's the story of when Harry met Sally.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ignorance is NOT Bliss.

It's ignorance.

Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.
And they are supposedly "reinventing the whole series." Sooo, oohhh shit.
I hope it's gonna be awesome.
In the meantime, I'm going to be busting my butt to beat Pokemon Diamond.
It's hard.
I mean, I'm just really bad at video games but that's besides the point.
Right now I'm not even trying. I just plant berries all the time. No joke.
It's Pat Thetic.
From Anti-Flag.
Now, that was a joke.
I'm hungry.
Not really.
I want something sweet.
We never have foods I want in this house.
CURSESSSS is what Mojo Jojo would say if PowerPuff Girls was still on television.


Friday, August 20, 2010

All Apologies

Somewhere inbetween now and December this blog got depresssinnnn'
So today I fix that by going through all my posts and deleting the stupid ones.

I think today is going to be a fun day. Haley and I woke up to discover that there was no power at her dad's house. Fun! But then it came on and we watched a little bit of When Harry Met Sally and then I got disgusted when they had sex so we payed full attention to facebook. And that was my morning.

Later today, Sophia is having a pool party at her party mansion. It's exciting. But I'm not going to swim because I'm a weeeeirrrrrrdooooo


HAHAHAHAHA I just found this blog that I never posted from January:

I really do hate Thomas. Not the kind of hate where I want him to die, but the kind of hate where I want him to move to northern Canada.
This is one example of why I hate him:
I lay down in my bus seat and wrap my scarf around my face.
"Now you look like a Muslim," says Thom Thom.
"What if I am?" says I, in defense of Muslims.
"Well, why don't you go do a suicide bombing?" says stupid Thomas.
"Wow, that's not prejudiced at all, Thomas." I say.
"No, no it's not."
"...Yeah it is..." That was Tanner. I'm indifferent towards him.
I just read a big Wikipedia page about cleft lips and cleft palates. How interesting.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hey Guess What

I made a new blog.
And it's called Music is Cool.
So from now on whenever I want to talk about music, instead of posting it on the Meow Meow Diaries, I'm going to post it on Music is Cool.

Sooo, just a heads up.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ten People I Want to Kiss

Dave Grohl

Any member of the band fun.

Sterling Knight

Cameron Frye (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)

Leonard DiCaprio

Zach Anner

Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Paul Rudd

John Mayer

Nick Andopolis (Freaks and Geeks)

Bye bye!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Amazing Websites

As the title implies...:

   Yes, this website actually exists. And it's genius.

     This site is becoming increasingly popular. Many online clothing stores use it now to show their products. If you enjoy fashion and creating your own outfits, etc., this website is pretty fun.

Michael Ian Black's Blog
     Self explanatory.

     For the health conscious.

Dear God
     This website hasn't been updated in a long time but I still like it. Even though I'm not religious, I think it's a really neat idea.

Hey Mainstream Media!
     People tell it like it is.

Dear Girls Above Me
     So wrong, but so right.

     World's most adorable games. ♥.

Question Party
     A place to be a total smartass.

Translation Party
     A place to be a total foreigner.

     I'd never be able to get through a Pokemon game without it.

     Tons of cool indie bands that often times have a few free tracks to download.

Rock History
     It's just neat.

Think Indie
     Another indie site. Lots of bands and free songs to discover.

     Legally free music! All of it!

     It's unnecessary. And I like it.

Carpe Noctem
     If you like creepy things.

     This website is starting to get pretty popular, but I've known about it for a couple years. Tons of really, really cool vintage/ indie clothing.

     For the T-shirt lovers.

     Kind of similar to ModCloth, but with more nic-nacs.

Rockett Clothing
     For the wannabe rebel.

     For the real rebel.

My Plastic Heart
     Everybody loves toys.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Can You See My Fucking Nipples?!?!"

said Nate.
The two day fun. live chat extravaganza is finally over.
Thank you, Nate Ruess for answering two of my questions today! (: Well, you might have answered the second one to Haley... It's debatable.
It's nice to know that he thinks fun. needs their own silly bandz.
Anyways, here is creepy screen shots galore:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Nerd Life.

This summer I have come to terms with the fact that I am a nerd.
Let's face it: I get good grades, I like comics and science fiction, I obsess over anything related to music, I dress strangely, and I'm socially awkward (the last two were demonstrated very well at my trip to Carteens*).
Also, another thing that I think puts me out there, is I don't typically find the socially acceptable looking man (muscles, overly confident, masculine, etc.) to be attractive. Mark Wahlberg is really the only acception to that rule.

Earlier tonight, I was watching a rerun of SNL. Them Crooked Vultures happened to be the band that was playing that night and I squealed in delight because I want to marry Dave Grohl (My dad approves, Dave). But my eyes kept lingering over to the singer, Josh Homme, who sings for Queens of the Stone Age, as well. I'd never seen him before, but I must say, I found him to be very physically sexy. And sexy is a word that I use sparingly because I think it's creepy when sixteen year old girls use it. I'll let you see for yourself:
A little muscle, a little chub. He's a big dude. And I thought he was very attractive.

Moving on, I like super skinny guys, too. It's strange, but I can't help it. Geof Manthorne from Ace of Cakes is freakin adorable:

Now, back to the topic of nerdiness, which was clearly displayed above (;
While browsing a while back on Steven Smith's blog** (another man who I think is totally cute)***, I found this:
I thought it properly displayed the differences between geeks, dorks, dweebs, and nerds. But who uses the word "dweeb" anymore? People who are stuck in the past, that's who.

*I had to go to Carteens on Wednesday and it was a very uncomfortable time for me. Everybody was really nice and friendly so I blame my being a nerd on my awkardness.
**Steven's Blog
***I used a lot of parentheses in this post. I apologize.



Josh Homme (along with an interesting blog post)

Geof Manthorne

Nerd venn diagram

...Posting those links only further justifies my claim...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why I Love Gay Men

Though I myself am not gay, I am a firm believer in LGBT rights.
It is a modern issue in America that I feel most passionately about.
America is supposedly the land of Freedom, Happiness, and Liberty.
What better place for lesbians and gays, right?


I read this short story by Timothy David Orme last night while browsing the internet and was very intrigued by what he had to say. Orme talks about the social roles that gender plays in society today and wonders if it is correct. As he sits in a strip club to prove his masculinity, he asks why it's more socially acceptable for two attractive women to feign sexual acts than for him to cross his legs when he sits.
Orme struggles with the idea of sexuality, where the line is drawn between homosexual and heterosexual, and why he feels he has to show the rest of the world he is masculine to prove he is a man.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I hate today.

It was three years ago today that a family friend who unknowingly affected a large part of my childhood wrecked his motorcycle on Roosevelt Blvd. Haley took me to see him for the first time at the mausoleum yesterday, which I really, really appreciate her doing that for me since I can't drive myself anywhere anymore.
Rest in peace, Bobby. I love you.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


"It's hotter than a hooker in hell... Oh, wait... I am a hooker ;)" - Lady Gaga

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ello, der Blawg.

I don't have my driver's license anymoresss because Warren county is a joke.
In other news, I hate it when things I like come into style. This. Always happens. Always. WHhhy??!?!?!
In other, other news: I have become addicted to the Sims 3 but do not own it. Oh, the tragedy.
My phone has Zelda on it, though.
Which I think is pretty bitchin'.
Just like Anthony Bourdain.
And not being lonely.
I'm so lonely right now.


Monday, July 5, 2010

It's Indy-pen-dance Day!

Happy birthday, America. Don't let that money burn a hole in your pocket, you little dickens.

I'm tired and feeling conflicted so I'm going to let you realize that I'm 11 minutes late for this birthday wish on your own... oops. (;

Sunday, June 20, 2010


It's Father's Day. I gave my dad a handmade card and a shitty breakfast this year. What did you give your father? Regardless, happy fadda's day.

Today was Clark's last day home. Tomorrow he leaves for... dun, dun, dun... basic training. Have fun with that, wimpy.
But seriously, you're a funny/creepy guy. Don't be a douche when you come back. Miss you... kinda... not really... Just kidding. I'll miss you Mattttty, and you'll never see this which is why I'm publicly posting it here.

I ate a Jumbo Push Pop earlier, and now my lips are blue. How neat.
I want Haley's hermit crab (R.I.P. Oswald) and tank for my greedy self. I need salt water. Drat.
My forehead hurts. I think it's acne. Woooop.

I want to get a new haircut. A short one. And I mean SHORT. Not bald, but I want a boyish cut. I don't even care if everybody in Madison will think I'm a lezzy for it. I want short hair because I think it would be a fun change and I've always wanted to do it. The short hair I had in fifth grade doesn't count. It was awfully spikey, but ultimately girly. I want something edgy and riskayyyyyyyyy. My life.


...It's a possibility. Any thoughts, my four blog readers?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life is but a dream.

Hello, Bloggart.
I feel nice today. I've heard that the word "nice" doesn't really have meaning anymore, but I don't believe that is true. I think it's a wonderful word, because that is how I feel. Nice.
I don't know why I feel nice. I might loose my driver's license because of some douche, my grandpa's in the hospital, and my mom has been working mandatory overtime for nearly a month. I just feel at peace today.
I woke up and groggily looked out the front window to see that there was a pretty little moth stuck in a giant spiderweb, fluttering around to get out. I walked outside looking like the mess I am and grabbed the web (spiders are so scary), and pulled the moth free. And I felt so happy when it flitted about and then disappeared into the yard.

Now my dad is home and my peace is ruined... Oh well... ): I hope Marko can come over sometime soon so we can watch StarStruck and then go to a drive in movie and have lots of fun being best friends. I have The Ataris stuck in my head, which is pretty cool because they are an interesting band. Pop punk. What a concept.

I leave you on that note, goodbye!

Friday, June 11, 2010

We came down to watch the world walk by...

And all she found was trouble in my eyes.
From the sky she pulled me down tonight.

She calls out the farther that I fly.
I love that sound so give me one more line.
From the sky she pulled me down tonight;
Let her go.

Blog, I'm so pissed right now.
I can't really tell you at the moment but I will someday when this is all over and alright to publish on the internet where all of my angsty teenage feelings are well known.
Let's just say something happened to me the other day and it was very scary and now another person involved is claiming something that isn't true in order to get money. It wasn't even my fault!! I thought everybody involved were genuinely nice people but now I understand that only the person who came to my side and told me everything was going to be alright was the only one who truly cared about me besides my parents.
People are disgusting. I try to keep as much faith in the human race as possible but these last few weeks have really showed me how nasty we really can be.
It may be easier to be the bad guy, but it's typically better to be the good guy. Not in all situations, but in most, I would think. Some times doing the right things involves breaking the law, I understand  that. But people are just out of their fucking minds. I'm so sick of it. Ohio sucks. This country sucks. I've got my fingers crossed for the world. If they're like this everywhere then we are doomed, because obviously the close-minded idiots are the ones who always seem to run things around the world. Generation X used to complain about the Baby Boomers controlling everything. Gen Xers, you are coming into power now. What have you done differently?

On a separate, happier note: I bought StarStruck on DVD yesterday for 14 bucks. I love Sterling Knight<3<3<3

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Rachel ♥s Poops"

"I'm sweepy," said the four year old that is me.
Today was fun because Kenyie had an awkward barbeque and I missed out on the "creeking." pout, pout. But that's okay because JayFrankie was dere and I hate him with a passion. I threatened to kill him, but it was hollow. However, it was not hollow when I threatened to kill Clark. I really am going to kill him someday. That creepy rapist.
I stepped in mud and Flakob ate some of my hot dog bun. There was a kitty and I fed it a hot dog that had been soaking in CO CO COLAAAA. I hope that won't hurt it. The kitty was really hungry and I felt bad.
Clark just told me he can't come to Rocky Horror with us on Saturday. My heart is shattered.
i need to take a shower.
Now I'm in a bad moooooood. Poop on Clark. He loves tampons, so ha.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dear Dave Grohl, i missed my favorite part of 'but, honestly' because i was thinking about how pretty your hair is and wondering what products you use. - rachel
Dear Dave Grohl, will you please marry me? Love, Rachel Sheets

Friday, May 28, 2010

Post, part deux

I'm sad, blog.
Gary Coleman is dead. As a child, my brother and I used to watch Diff'rent strokes together before we drifted to sleep on our wooden bunk bed. "Whatchu talkin' about, Willis?" was one of our favorite catch phrases and Gary Coleman was always our favorite.
I'm sad to see that precious gem leave us.

My stomach hurts a lot. My dog Peter just found a dead mouse and for the first time in about ten years, I was reminded how much my mom hates mice, even when they are just corpses. I tried to clean it up but she was so pissed at my dad about something that she's making him do it.
My stomach hurts so much it's unbearable. I have to go. Bye.

It's the last day of school!!

I'm in computer applications right now because we are locked in here until 11:03.
We are reading an article about silly bands being banned in schools across America. American schools are dumb, why do you think everyone else is smarter than us? Because their kids are allowed to have rubber bands shaped like animals and guitars and cars and other things.
My foot itches. Jon is going through my planner.
Blogging is so much fun.
Pac man is so much fun.
I am so bored.
BLah blah blah blah.

I want to play bread runner.
Good bye.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm so Tired.

Hi blog. I feel weird today. I don't like it. :( I don't know what's wrong with me.
I think it started this morning when Andrew Dost didn't reply to me on that space of mine. I know it's because the message I sent him was creepy and pointless. Why am I a creepy person? I should have just said, "Thank you, Andrew!" and been done with it. My life is a joke.

In other news, I just got on myspace and there was a video of Adrien Brody on Jimmy Kimmel. Even though it's tragic that I missed it on television, I'm glad I got to see Adrien and Jimmy playing in "Charlie Bit my Finger."
What a wonderful person, that Adrien.

In other, other news, we only have two days of school left, which means I have two days to work on my three yearbook layouts that I am severely lacking in. I'm not severely lacking, I just wanted to use the word severe. Two of my layouts are almost done, and my last one needs some pictures taken. Life.
We took our history final today. I am sad because history was my favorite class because David said stuff like, "I don't give a crap, Jack." and "Snowstradamus." I know I spelled that wrong. David is a funny guy who shares my favorite color. Over the summer, I am going to make him a Led Zeppelin tie. He told me if I bought stuff to make it, he would pay me but I don't want him to pay me. I just want to make the tie because he said I couldn't. He was probably using reverse psychology on me, that jerk.

My eyes feel like they're going to explode. I think I might go take a nap.
This blog is boring, I apologize. I wish I was funny.  My eye hurts. Bye.

Monday, May 17, 2010


War is everywhere.
We need John Lennon now more than ever.
Get off your ass and do something about it.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Scoliosis is a bitch. I don't have scoliosis, but I like to use that as an excuse for my horrid posture.
Jessica and Kenzie and I were slightly ashamed of how the highlight of our week was going to Steak n Shake and seeing this guy that everybody seems to know. I don't want to say his name on a blog because I feel like that is creepy. If you are reading this (doubtful) then you know who you are. Or maybe you don't. I hope you never find  my blog because it will be awkward for both of us.
Anyways. We sat in SnS for several HOURS. And I'm sleepy. And I should be trying to find The Soup somewhere on the tele but I'm not.
My parents are getting drunk in our back garage. Embarrassing on my part for my friends almost seeing that.
I want to play animal crossing but there will be nothing to do because the store's closed but Tom Nook is a lil bitch anyways, just like Keven. I hate you, Kevin.
I hope you realize that I don't truly hate Kevin, I just dislike him intensely because he wears all neutral colors and can drive and rubs it in my face. Fuck Kevin.
I'm so tired. I think I might go lay down and never wake back up.
That was depressing. My apologies.
I'm not used to going to two fast food places in one day, PLUS listening to "Pitbull" THREE TIMEss.

G'night, mates.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh, hello. I did not see you there. I'm casually sitting in my robe with a glass of champagne.

Driving is fun.
I love corny jokes
And even more than that, corny songs, which are basically corny jokes dressed with a melody.
My teeth need a brushin'.
And my hairs are greasier than ponyboy.

My stomach is telling me that diarrhea is approaching.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh Dear Blog!

It's been too long. TOO. LONG.

I've really missed you, blog. I think about you some days, and I say to myself, "God damnit, Rachel. You need to blog about something!"
And then I get home and I fry my brain with useless information and I die a little inside.

But seriously, two weeks of school left and then I'm bloggin' it up again!! =)

I had in-car today. I'm SUPER bad at manueverabillity. Like, OMG. It's embarrassing. I had to drive this kid home and I was just HORRIBLE. And my instructor was telling me how good he is and. Oh. It was so embarrassing. And when I'm driving I get really hot after about an hour and a half and after that my face is red for like 3 hours. I don't know what the deal is.

Anyways, I hope everybody had a good mother's day. I love my mom. I made her brunch, a coupon book (tacky? judge me.) and a weird tree branch flower thing. And I made homemade truffles. But I've been stealing some since they're so stricken good.

I should be doing homework because I'm still behind from when I missed SIX DAYS OF SCHOOL BEING SICK. I know, it was horrible! I woke up one morning choking, and I couldn't breathe, which I think is reason enough to not go to school. My mini vacation was nice, but it was lonely. Nobody texted me. I'm sad that I've become dependent on virtual messages that sometimes say "lol" :(

BYE! <3

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hi, Blog.

I'm sick.
I haven't seen a classroom since Tuesday.
I have to take a lot of medication, and they gave me a shot. It HERT.
When I have a coughing fit, my face leaks salt water through my eyeballs. It's weird and uncomfortable.
My shot site itches.

I'm dizzy. Bye.

Monday, April 19, 2010

For Those About to Draw, We Salute You.

The dorky school administration is trying to fire our art teacher.
Tonight there was a board meeting.
I made a petition, Kaylyn read a letter written by a favorite student who graduated in 08, Emily's mom gave an improv speech that made me cry, amy read TJ's letter, then gave a speech of her own.
I coughed until I cried.
Mom and I left.
I had chicken and stuffing for dinner.
Adventure Time is almost on tele.


Sunday, April 11, 2010


Sup, sup, my disco ducks?

I should be in bed but I can't sleep so WHATEVS.
We had a surprise party for Dollah Billz yesterday and her mammie took us to Stake n Shayke at like 1:30 in the morn' and it was pretty neato.

My throught is still scratchy. I hope I don't have asthma or anything because I have been really short of breath and light headed lately and I feel like those are asthma symptoms but I'm not sure because I don't really know what the symptoms are. I bought an awesome Jesus bracelet at the flea market the other day for 25¢! It says "I ♥ Jesus" and has six pop art pictures of him that actually look like Russel Brand who actually looks like Dollah Bills' cousin. I don't really love Jesus, but I think he's a pretty cool dude. I hope Christians everywhere don't think I'm a poser. I just thought it was a really cool bracelet and the price was even cooler.
I'm super bad ass and super tired. Goodnight. :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What Time is it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

hammer time.
ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Hummus is so good. I hope my dad buys it more often.
Spring break is mucho funo. I enjoy rotting my teeth out with other people's Easter candy.

HALEY AND I are having a Garage Sale on Saturday. It's going to be a failure but we'll have sno cones so AWESOME.

"I'm freakin' pumped! I've been drinking green tea all goddamn day!!"
- Rico
I love Hot Rod. I know I have discussed this before to you, Blog, but I just can't help it. Everybody is just so charming.
I also love Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations. I want very badly to be his friend because he's got so many clever things to say. And he knows good food. What more can you ask from a friend? Not much more, that's what.

I really enjoy films. I really do. and I think this is important to know about me for some reason. I also think it's important that you know that I am wearing pachy shorts that make me look like a hobo golfer. I am also wearing a Paramount's Kings Island shirt with those cool old Hannah Barbera characters that used to be on Cartoon Network. 
It's Wednesday. The pinnacle of the week. Except it's not the best day of the week in terms of greatness. It's the best day of the week because every day after Wednesday just keeps getting better. Then you get to Sunday and it's all shitty again. Oh well.
Apparently, my parents went on a drinking binge while I was @ Haley's last night. Welcome to Middletown. 

I don't know what I'm saying. Goodbye.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It Smells Like Art in Here...

...and I love it. ♥
Today's field trip to the Dayton Art Institute was super bad ass, just like the name Voltron.

When we first walked in, there was this picture of a black guy with an afro and a black wife beater and the background was blue and red/orange and it was AWESOME. Then there was a sculpture with TVs and that also was awesome. Those were my two favorite pieces in the whole museum. Which was deceiving because I didn't see as many contemporary pieces after that.

Well, I decided to do the new Amazon thing even though I won't get money from it because I have a wicked Amazon wish list that I was thinking about sharing anyway... I have A LOT of useless things that I want. But I waste my money on things like mood rings and marbles... and other things that begin with the letter m...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My drama classroom is my haven.

Greg Gregson.

Tomorrow I am eating BELGIAN WAFFLES<3
but right now I am eating SOUR APPLE W/ PEANUT BUTTER.

I just got peanut butter on the keyboard
^^^that's me wiping pb off the keyboard. I apologize.


Today we had Kakey in Yearbewk class.
Guess who can't f'n get the wedding singer out of their head?
Geral Ford, that's who.
"Oh god!"

facebook chat is weird, can I get an "i"?


...I'll stay single 'till I'm lying slowly in my lonely, forgotten grave.♫

I'm wearing a dress tomorrow and it's going to be awwwwwwwwkwwwwwwwooooooooowd.
I'm sorry this post is so annoying. I'm just so FRICKEN bored.
And I'm going insane in the membrane. I want to listen to The Beastie Boys


Saturday, March 27, 2010


Oh, when it's your wedding day
And my music starts to play
I can guarantee that

Our high school's production of The Wedding Singer is quite impressive. I wish I would have done it. Hopefully next year's spring musical will be something fun, because maybe I would audition for it.

My allergies are acting up because Ohio's bipolar weather. My father told me to blow my nose when that's what I've been doing already. He's being really creepy right now, talking about guys spooning across the street to stay warm or something like that. Ugh.

Everything above is from yesterday. Today is Sunday. I saw The Wedding Singer again. This time with my broseph and my friend Ken...zie.We sat right in the middle in the first row and I saw like 5 peoples' underpants. What else is new.
The musical was so good! I wish they performed it every night forever.

I was going to go to an after musical party with Molly/Holly but then she had to go to a church event, but that's okay because everyone is having a good time remembering the good times they had and I don't want to intrude on their memories anyways.
In case you didn't notice, this whole post will most likely be about The Wedding Singer. Because it's the most recent exciting thing that's happened to me lately.

Last night I stayed at Kenzie's house and the lead of the musical and his right wing man (still in his Flock of Seagulls hairdo from the show) came to her house around midnight and we all talked in her basement because we didn't have time to watch Rocky Horror. Kenzie gave her man a heart we made out of perler beads (aww) and I gave "Douche" as I like to call him a bumble bee made out of perler beads. I don't call him Douche because I dislike him. He's just a douche, that's all.
It feels weird stating facts about my personal life right now so I'm going to stop all together.
This is the design I submitted for The Wedding Singer logo contest.
I won!
My brother bought me one of the shirts.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010


We went.
The girls lost.
I'm still happy.
Everyone should be, even though the refs were totally biased. I'm not just saying that because we lost, either. I would have been fine losing if the team beat us fairly, but the refs were not calling things fairly. Everything was a foul on our side and barely anything was a foul for the other team. It was so stupid, it pissed me off.
But then we went to Champs and I got Asian chicken on a stick and everything was way better.

My hand smells like feces.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Apathetical Donkeys,

They just seem to get with the program.

I have a question for you:
How much would pirate's treasure REALLY be worth?
For all you know there might just be a bunch of moldy kidneys inside that chest.
I'm curious about this because I'm playing The Bottom Of The Sea and it is very fun and I keep playing it over and over again.

We didn't have school yesterday even though it's OGT week. I'm fine with that.
Kenzie and I rode the 'Spirit Bus' all the way to Columbus to watch our school's girls basketball team play in the State Semi-Finals or something along those lines. Point is, we went to state. They went to state. I was going to ride the 'Spirit Bus' tomorrow to the final game, but there weren't enough kids riding it. Bummer. Dollah Bills offered me a ride with her family and as long as she's still okay with it, I'm still going to the game. I'm kind of excited to be riding with the Millah family, because they are of happy peoples.
I don't know what I meant by that.
I just beat The Bottom Of The Sea again. w00t.

Now I'm playing Bubble Bees. :I
My dad is having a dilemma because he just figured out what he wants for dinner (very long decision times) and the place isn't open. Now he's all huffy-puffy-big-bad-wolfy.

Andy Samberg is funny yet slightly repulsive. Just like pickle loaf.

I'm off to work on my Biologie project on Klinefelter's Syndrome. Audios!

Friday, March 12, 2010

If You Knew My Story Word For Word...

...had all of my history,
Would you go along with someone like me?
"Young Folks" - Peter, Bjorn, and John♥

Hey, Blogworld.
How are you these daze? I feel so estranged from blogging.
These last few weeks have been ruffffff for everyone, methinks.
I like the song "Are You Going to Scarborough Fair?" by Simon and Garfunkel. It's nice and creepy.
I also like my Pikachu firefox theme thingy. I'm so glad I took the two and a half minutes to upgrade firefox. WORTH IT.
Mystery Missions is fun when you are bored and have a cell phone. I made a guitarist friend whom I suggest songs to. That basically sums up my life.
The other day in Honors ENGLISHe we were segregated by our eye color and the people with pretty eyes got pampered with fruits and donuts while us dominant traitors were served crackers and had to have no fun. Even though we weren't having fun, I was having fun. And the crackers were damn tasty, too. I had some more today even though we weren't segregated anymores.
My grammar is so horrible today and I love it.
OGTs are next week, next week is also the first week of spring forward. Leave it to my school to schedule a test that determines whether I pass school or not during the week that everybody in the world (I think) is most tired. My school is the least professional high school you will ever come across. Anyways, I'm thinking about reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower for, like, the 5th or so time because I imagine I'm going to have a lot of free time next week after testing.
Alice in Wonderland came out last weekend. I made plans to see it 4 TIMES IN THE LAST WEEK and none of them worked out!!! Oh well, I feel like the movie is focusing on The Mad Hatter waaaaay too much from the advertising that I've seen. If they wanted Johnny Depp (don't get me wrong, I LOVE Johnny) to be the main character, then they should have dressed him in drag and named his character "Alice".
I'm listening to the same songs that are on Charlie's "One Winter" mix tape. The Smashing Pumpkins are cool but Billy Corgan's kind of a doucher in my eyes now that he dated Jessica Simpson. Yes, I'm judging both of them.

You know what, blog? Siblings are assholes. (You can basically stop reading now, I'm just ranting.)
I haven't seen my sister in four years and it pisses me off. It pisses me off a lot. I haven't talked to her in two. I haven't seen my brother in two years. I talked to him for 60 seconds on the first because of his b-day, but other than that I never talk to him. Neither of them will befriend me on facebook. What the hell is wrong with them? I'd like so much to just chew them out. I want to know what's running through my sister's head. There's a difference between being an independant adult and just flat out ignoring your family because your father wouldn't allow you to date a black man in high school. My sister has been out of high school for almost a decade, yet she seems to have never let go of the drama from her teenage years. And my brother and I have so much in common so I don't know why he doesn't want to talk to me. He's going to school for fashion design and I think it's the coolest thing in the world but I can't talk to him about how awesome it is because he's too busy being a wild child to even stay awake to talk to me on the phone.
It pisses me off that they won't talk to me, but it pisses me off even more that they won't talk to my dad. Who knows what could happen to him?  It's pure bullshit.
Even I can't wait to get the hell out of here, but I plan on keeping in touch once I'm gone, no matter how far away I live. In fact, I'm excited to live far away because that means I'll be able to wright to my parents using old fashioned letters and snail mail. Cool!
Anyways, I'm pretty pissed off right now (and jacked up on three glasses of caffeine tea), so I think I might go read some of The Perks and then hit the sack.

Go listen to "Dusk" by Genesis. It will change everything.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sup, Boiii

Do you like web comics?
I like web comics.
I'm a nerd.

Octopus Pie

Do you ever think about a lost loved one, and no matter how long ago it was they passed away, you still just can't believe they're gone?
I was feeling that way earlier.
It's a weird feeling. Like, that person's not really passed away, they're just out in the world somewhere and you haven't talked in a long time.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Everyone's Friends.

I'm drinking pee colored Gatorade.
I dislike Mondays.
Today, however, is my brother's 21st birthday.
My dad forgot until I told him after we ate Arby's for dinner.
My brother, who I'm assuming is still living in New York and going to school for fashion design, said to my dad that coffee and cigarettes are the only things keeping him alive right now.
I suppose you can look at that as being depressing or happy.
I look at it as one more reason to turn my family into a comic strip so I can make $ from these jerks.
That was quite the shallow statement, and I don't mind one bit.

Hot Rod was on the tele the other day. I'm sure many bloggers watched it because Hot Rod is a movie that most bloggers should enjoy.
I'm gonna be honest with you, Rod. You look like a giant eagle with fire all around you, and you've got a mountain for a face.

Last ngith.....??? Wtf?! I was typing the word "night" and that mess came from the keyboard. I am genuinely sorry about that.
Last NIGHT, I was pigging out on chocolate cookies and cream or something ice cream and watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now, I don't know nor do I care about you, but, I LOVE that movie.
It was weird because my dad came in and watched part of it with me. Obviously he was feeling kinda nostalgic or sentimental or something, because he's a super homophobe and doesn't even like TRHPS. Of course, he left towards the end of the Time Warp, before Frank-n-Furter even came out in his transvestital glory. I wish "transvestital" was a real word. Maybe it is and spell check just doesn't know schit. Ha, take that, spell check.

Cracking knuckles is fun, when they're your own of course.
That doesn't make sense. Welcome to the REAL WURLD.
I'm pretty gosh damn tired.
Night, ya'll.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"She's a drag. A well known drag. We turn the sound down on her and say rude things."


How are you?
...Me? I'm better today. I had some sort of bug yesterday, thanks for (not) asking.

Sundays are alright, I suppose. My dad wants us to start going to church on Sundays because he's going through one of his religious kicks... I'm debating on whether or not to finally tell him that I just flat out don't want to go to church. I mean, it should be my decision as to whether I go or not, right? I am old enough to make a few decisions for myself, am I not? My dad's always making decisions like that for me. I'm kind of sick of it. I love my dad, but he can be such a handful.
Maybe I should be more supportive... He's going through a rough time. They never tell me what's going on with them (I'm starting to realize how closed up our family is. Nobody tells anyone anything.) so sometimes I have to eavesdrop. All I know is that my dad is once again scared that he's going to die. We've been through this several times before, so I don't know if it's something truly serious or if he's just overreacting because believe me, he overreacts A LOT. Still, I don't feel like I'm being as sensitive about this as I really should. Maybe he has a reason to be wallowing in self-pitty. But from all that I know, he's whining about every little thing that doesn't go his way and he's being a bit of a hypocrite.
He's being all huffy puffy today and I asked him what's wrong and he said to me like I'm still 6, "What's wrong is Daddy's thinking about stuff,"

I don't know what to think anymore, so enjoy this!
(click to make bigger)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Headaches are for Lovers.

My school is dramatic.
My school can be fun.
My teachers are awesome.
My peers disgust me.

That was my yearly haiku. I hope you enjoyed it.

Dolla bills won't care about this post, I can feel it in my bonezzzz.
BUT, there's some Llama Drama going around my school. I'm being literal. There's some crazy stuff about people killing a baby alpaca. Can you imagine! I've always said that Madison is filled with the most kind-hearted and sensitive people on this planet. I mean, really. That's just awesome; there is not one thing wrong with taking a baby alpaca and tying it to the back of your truck and then driving your truck. Nor is there something wrong with gouging out its eyes. Those are probably two of the nicest deeds I have ever heard of . Golly. Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? So beautiful.
Anyways, there's a whole bunch of people who are pissed off about this (reasonable) including myself. I heard it was 3 high school students. I think I hate everyone more, now.

Also, happy belated birthday to George Harrison!!! I'm so sorry that I forgot! :( :( :(

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm Rather Tired.

But I have drawing classes at 5:00. w000000000000000t.

I was browsing the interwebz last night and I remember searching for something in Google, but I just can't remember what. Anywho, I came across this awesome clothing website. And I want to buy stuff off of it even though it's sportswear for men.


I especially want this and this.
'Tis all. Bye.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Come On, Eileen.

I requested that at the dance last night. Score!
Anyways, I put an outfit together two hours before the dance because I got done watching BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad sooner than expected.
Here it is, blog:
It's not a very good picture because I never take good pictures, but the outfit would have looked better had I found another belt.

At the end of the dance, I personally requested that the principal (aka DJ Philpot) played an Elton John song. When he played it he said that Laura requested it. I am not Laura. Ouch to my ego ;)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

80s Dance

There is an 80s dance at my school tonight.
I am going, but I don't have anything to wear besides leg warmers.
Damn you, facebook. You keep telling me my account is temporarily unavailable.
Anyways, I tried on this old pink lace dress that I used when I was like nine when I was Frankenstein's Bride for Halloween because I wanted to look like Deb from Napoleon Dynamite. It makes me look like a man trying to look like a woman hahaha.
I'm off to google images to look for 80s fashion. Maybe I can convince my mom to take me to the thrift store.
...Google images is dumb.
I'm listening to "Papa's Got a Brand New Pigbag" by Pigbag. I'm trying to find songs that have awesome bass lines to inspire me to become a better bassist. I haven't been taking it seriously since school started, which really is a shame.

I'll leave on this note,
I wish I had a "Frankie Says Relax" tee shirt. Then I would be a hit at the 80s party.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hi blog. I havent been online since my blog last night. I got home about an hour ago from my last drivers ed class. I passed the test with a 90!! Dave the drivers ed teacher is super cool. I will miss him. I am watching the daily show. Blogging from my phone is fun. Goodnight.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Please HELP Me!

SOOOooo I get home from driver's ed (one more class to go and I'm out of that dreaded building forever) at like, 9:40 tonight and I'm putting my gross reheat pizza dinner in the microwave when my mom tells me that Neeno (grandma) wants us to pick out dresses for my cousin's wedding in June or one of those J months.
I've never bought a dress in my life!! She says that price isn't something to worry about, but how the hell am I supposed to know how to fricken' tell what sizes I should wear?!
My mom said, "Well, I figure that I'm about a size 12, and your boobs are bigger than mine so you should probably be a size 14." Lies, Mother. That's what padded bras are for. But I'll take a compliment when I can get one (is it?). Then I ask her what I would be if the websites didn't have numbers but small, medium, large, etc. She said I would probably be a large. Fair enough.
Neeno recommended going to Deb's website but their dresses are, frankly... gag me with a spoon.
And so I go to modcloth.com because they always have dresses that I like and ALL THESE FREAKIN' WEBSITES HAVE DIFFERENT WAYS OF TELLING ME WHAT SIZE DRESS I WEAR!!!
It's got me measuring my armpits, my shoulders, wrapping the metal tape around my chest.
I hate dress shopping and I've only done it for 20 minutes.

Monday, February 15, 2010

I Want to Go Back

to the times when kids had candy cigarettes, bubblegum cigars, and bubble pipes!
I'm so bored without them!
I'm eating a fudge round (too much fudge) and drinking milk and typing this up because I thought My Life as Liz (now I'm an MTV junkie?!) would be on by now.
Drawing classes start tomorrow. No driver's ed for meeeeeeeeee.
This blog is almost as short as my last one about Trent Lane.
I think I've fallen back in love with him. And Daria in general.
Gotta love being pathetic ;)

Goodnight to all of you. All three readers.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Since it's Valentine's Day and All...

When I was little, I used to watch Daria with my older sister and I had a crush on Trent even though he's a cartoon.