(o) watch u

(o) watch u

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life is but a dream.

Hello, Bloggart.
I feel nice today. I've heard that the word "nice" doesn't really have meaning anymore, but I don't believe that is true. I think it's a wonderful word, because that is how I feel. Nice.
I don't know why I feel nice. I might loose my driver's license because of some douche, my grandpa's in the hospital, and my mom has been working mandatory overtime for nearly a month. I just feel at peace today.
I woke up and groggily looked out the front window to see that there was a pretty little moth stuck in a giant spiderweb, fluttering around to get out. I walked outside looking like the mess I am and grabbed the web (spiders are so scary), and pulled the moth free. And I felt so happy when it flitted about and then disappeared into the yard.

Now my dad is home and my peace is ruined... Oh well... ): I hope Marko can come over sometime soon so we can watch StarStruck and then go to a drive in movie and have lots of fun being best friends. I have The Ataris stuck in my head, which is pretty cool because they are an interesting band. Pop punk. What a concept.

I leave you on that note, goodbye!

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