(o) watch u

(o) watch u

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Headaches are for Lovers.

My school is dramatic.
My school can be fun.
My teachers are awesome.
My peers disgust me.

That was my yearly haiku. I hope you enjoyed it.

Dolla bills won't care about this post, I can feel it in my bonezzzz.
BUT, there's some Llama Drama going around my school. I'm being literal. There's some crazy stuff about people killing a baby alpaca. Can you imagine! I've always said that Madison is filled with the most kind-hearted and sensitive people on this planet. I mean, really. That's just awesome; there is not one thing wrong with taking a baby alpaca and tying it to the back of your truck and then driving your truck. Nor is there something wrong with gouging out its eyes. Those are probably two of the nicest deeds I have ever heard of . Golly. Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? So beautiful.
Anyways, there's a whole bunch of people who are pissed off about this (reasonable) including myself. I heard it was 3 high school students. I think I hate everyone more, now.

Also, happy belated birthday to George Harrison!!! I'm so sorry that I forgot! :( :( :(


  1. i caree <333
    but god i hate madison

  2. yesssss i hate teens
    did they ever find out who killed it?

  3. I might be wrong, but I heard it was Sunny Tackett, Nick Reynolds, and some other kid named Mark... those are the only people I've heard...

  4. yeah i heard that too...i think it was marcus miller that went to madison last year...

  5. Oh yeah I think you're right.
    Bunch o' creeps.
    Do you know if they're going to be arrested or anything?

  6. Hmm i think they are for some amount of time, i dont really know
